Thursday, July 15, 2010

Personal Thoughts on Web 2.0

We've heard it said that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Today's teachers refute that adage! While we are in awe at the rapid pace that technology has inundated education and our society, we are up to the challenge. Our students forge headlong into the digital world, while parents and teachers move at a more cautious pace. But, onward we go. Teachers are flexible and interested in the latest innovations concerning children and the education of children. Therefore, here we go!


  1. I agree that our children of today are highly technologically advanced even as young as 4 or 5 years of age. I feel that parents are behind for several reasons. One, they did not grow up with technology. Two, they are just plain scared to use technology. Three, they do not feel like they have the time to devote to learning technology. Basically, kids are not afraid to just start pressing buttons and adults are.

  2. I agree with you on this issue. Whether we want to accept it or not change is happening and will continue to happen as long as technology continues to improve. We can either get on board or be left behind.

  3. Kimberly: Two days left until the next class, so I'm practicing. See ya there.
